The Different Kinds of Psychic Abilities
Psychics have always been helpful to humans because of the powers or the abilities that they have. A psychic can have one or two powers and the more abilities that the psychic has, the more powerful he or she is. There are different kinds of psychic abilities and some of them are the extra sensory perception or ESP, aura reading, astrological forecast, dream analysis and card reading.
Extra Sensory Perception- The Extra Sensory Perception abilities or the ESP is one of the most common psychic abilities. Most psychic have this ability. ESP is basically defined as the ability to perceive something that is not felt or seen by the physical senses of the body.
This also comes into different classifications. Some of the classifications of the ESP are as follows:
- Telepathy- the power to read another person’s mind.
- Clairsentience- the power to feel the emotion of another person.
- Clairalience- the power to use the sense of smell to acquire knowledge
- Clairgustance- the power to determine the taste of an object without putting it inside the mouth
- Retrocognition- the power to see things that happened in the past
- Psychometry- the power to sense something by just touching an object
- Clairvoyance- the power to see unusual things clearly
- Clairaudience- the power to hear sounds from the spirits, animals or other people
- Precognition- the power to see events that will happen in the future
- Mediumship- the power to have a connection with the spirits
Aura Reading- This is one of the psychic abilities that a psychic may have. It is done by looking at the energy or the electromagnetic field that is surrounding a person. A psychic can tell if a person is sick or not feeling good by just looking at his or her aura. It is said that a person’s aura can change from one color to another, and the psychic can interpret the meaning of each color.
Astrological Forecast- The psychic uses this ability to determine the future events that will be happening to a specific person using the zodiac sign or the birth detail of that person. Usually, the psychic studies the arrangement of the sun, the moon, and the planets when the person was born, and from that, they can tell something about that person’s future and character traits.
Dream Analysis- This is the ability of a psychic to interpret or give meanings to a dream by just listening to it through a person’s story. Sometimes, the dream serves as a warning, and sometimes, it serves as a premonition for the future. Also, some spirits use the dream to send a message to their loved ones.
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